Greek Grammar

Τρίτη 18 Φεβρουαρίου 2025, καλημέρα.
Ο Φλεβάρης κι αν φλεβίσει, καλοκαίρι θα μυρίσει.
Αθήνα: 13:50, Ανατολή ηλίου: 07:09, Δύση ηλίου: 18:08


Greek Grammar in English

Welcome to the homepage of, the site where you can find information about the Modern Greek Grammar and namely the use of the Greek word classes such as nouns, adjectives, verbs etc. If you are learning Greek and you have trouble using the different cases in Greek or forming the tenses of the verbs then you are at the right place.

"Modern Greek Grammar" Overview

The Modern Greek Grammar overview covers all Greek word classes. It may be used by anybody who is learning Greek either beginners or advanced students. Learning Greek is a complicated process and knowledge of the Greek Grammar can make things a lot easier for you. The Modern Greek Grammar can contribute to understanding and using better the Greek language.

The Modern Greek Grammar examines, as said above, all Greek word classes with examples. Nouns and adjectives for example are divided into groups, shown in legible tables and an example of each group is being representatively declined. Special attention has been paid to the formation of the tenses of the verbs which is being approached step by step. All tenses are examined in the active and passive voice as well.

You can also practise your knowledge with exercises in pdf documents with all the word classes. Moreover you can check your answers as in the second page of the pdf documents you can find the key answers.

I suggest you use the overview beside a studybook for learning Greek. It is not meant to learn speak Greek but to help you understand grammatical subjects, organize your knowledge and use the Greek language correctly.

Good luck with learning Greek!