Greek Grammar

Τετάρτη 22 Ιανουαρίου 2025, καλημέρα.
Του Γενάρη το φεγγάρι λάμπει σαν μαργαριτάρι.
Αθήνα: 15:18, Ανατολή ηλίου: 07:34, Δύση ηλίου: 17:38


Pronouns - Αντωνυμίες

Personal pronouns - Προσωπικές αντωνυμίες

Personal pronouns are declinable words that express the first, second or third person and may be used instead of nouns. The use of personal pronouns with verbs is not obligatory as persons are indicated by the unique personal endings of the verbs.

Possessive pronouns - Κτητικές αντωνυμίες

Possessive pronouns are indeclinable. They have the same form as the weak forms of the personal pronouns in genitive and they express possession.

Relative pronouns - Αναφορικές αντωνυμίες

Relative pronouns are used to join sentenses.

Demonstrative pronouns - Δεικτικές αντωνυμίες

The demonstrative pronouns are used to indicate which entity the speaker refers to.

Interrogative pronouns - Ερωτηματικές αντωνυμίες

The interrogative pronouns are used in order to ask questions.

Indefinite pronouns - Αόριστες αντωνυμίες

Indefinite pronouns refer to one or more unspecified persons and objects.

More about pronouns in the file below.

pdf document Pronouns